Monday, July 19, 2010

She WENT!!!

…and boy, oh boy, did she go! HAHAHA!

Today at noon I met the Schildmeyers, the family I use to nanny for, at Panera at Easton! As I pulled in the parking lot I heard IT! Yes, I was very happy to hear IT because it had been 5 days since she had gone but I also knew I was in for some trouble. I pulled Lucy out of her carseat and sure enough it was quite the scene. She literally had poop ALL OVER! It filled her diaper and diaper cover. It cover the back of her dress. It was all over her back, arms, and legs! It filled the bottom of the carseat! AHHHH!

So here I am in the Easton parking lot trying to figure out how to clean my baby in the backseat of the car. I found a blanket in the back seat and I put everything poopy inside it as to try and prevent getting poop all over my car! I then gave Lucy a "bath" with wipes…literally from her head to her toes….she was a MESS!

15 minutes later Lucy was in a clean outfit, clean diaper, and smiling away. We were heading into Panera for lunch and I felt like I could conquer anything after that! Then just as we walked in she spit up the prunes I had fed her earlier that morning. AHH! So now her light pink outfit had a nasty purple stain all down the front. Oh well! The visit with the Schildmeyers was a blast and they adored Lucy! We had a great talk and lots of fun catching up! But wow, what a day!

*Lucy will now be moving to vegetables and we will try the cereals again when she's back to normal :)


Jenny and Jon said...

I think the cereal did that to Jackson too, but I must say I've never had to deal with a carseat full of poo like that, ugh! He has vomitted full on in the carseat though which is another fun treat, I had to launder what I could and soak the straps in bleach to get the smell out.......motherhood is some serious work, but one smile makes it all worth it:)

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Yay, finally! I'm sorry about the mess...that's why they make washable seat covers and clothes and blankets and hands and faces and bottoms. Ha! (I think the idea of moving to veggies is a very good one.) :)

Mimi and Papa said...

Too bad Lucy didn't pick a time when you were at home but that just isn't the way it works. No matter...she is back to normal and that is what counts. I am cracking up!