Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Crib Trials!

For the first 5 months Lucy slept exclusively in the co-sleeper next to our bed. This worked great for us and Lucy! I was able to nurse her or soothe her back to sleep before she ever really woke up. She would normally sleep from 10:00 pm to 8:00 am, waking throughout the night to eat about every 2-4 hours, but never cried or really woke up all night long. I also enjoyed being able to roll over and quickly peek at her throughout the night to "check" on her! (Oh the joys of being a worried Mother!)

But Lucy's sleep habits have started to change. She is now just exhausted after her bath (normally around 7:30) and is ready to go to sleep after nursing. So...we have started a new bedtime routine with Lucy! Now we go for a walk around 7:00ish, then bath around 7:30ish, I nurse her around 8:00ish, and we lay her in her crib, very tired, to fall asleep on her own. Last night the bedtime routine worked like a charm! By 8:45 pm Lucy was sound asleep in her crib, without any tears she fell asleep on her own! Around 11:00 pm she woke up, but Denny was able to rock her back to sleep and lay her back in her crib. Then it wasn't until 1:40 am that she woke up again. At this point I brought her into our bed to nurse her. After nursing, she quickly fell back to sleep and I moved her to the co-sleeper!

It was a great night and it is amazing what a good nights sleep will do for a tired Mommy! HA!


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Hey, we were up at 1:40am last night, too! (Then 3:30, 5:00, 6:15, too) :)

Jenny and Jon said...

If I keep reading these posts and comments, I might not have another baby, the sleep deprivation is the WORST part but the benefits far out weigh the hard parts. I remember about this time Jackson slept by 7:30 and we felt like we got our evenings back which was nice. The sad part about this though is that when you go back to work, you don't get a lot of awake time with them when they go down this early... by the time you get home, you pretty much prepare dinner, eat and then bathe them and they go to sleep!

Mimi and Papa said...

It will be a nice routine for you as you get ready for school. Lucy is so busy now that she does get exhausted...rolling over, scooting, laughing, and playing. So cute!