Thursday, July 1, 2010

5 Months Old!

Happy 5 Months!
Our big girl now weighs 13 lbs. and 1 oz.! What a growing girl!

A day in the life of LJE!

7:00 a.m. - starting to wake but Mommy nursed me back to sleep!
8:00 - woke up, diaper change, play in bed
9:00 - nurse
9:15 - nap in my swing (Mommy was able to shower, do laundry, and dry her hair!)
10:30 - woke up from my nap, diaper change, get dressed for the day
11:00 - nurse
11:15 - off to run some errands on the way to lunch
12:00 p.m. - lunch with Daddy at North Market! (diaper change at lunch and one in the car - haha!)
1:15 - nurse and practice sitting on my OWN!
2:15 - nap on Mommy on the couch!
4:15 - wake up and nurse, diaper change
4:30 - stroller ride and play time
5:45 - Daddy's home!
6:30 - nurse and short nap
7: 30 - stroller ride
8:00 - bath time, diaper, lotion massage, stories, and pjs
8:30 - Daddy rocks me to sleep
9:30 - nurse and laid in co-sleeper
11:45 - nurse
3:30 - nurse
6:00 - nurse
7:45 - awake and ready to play! diaper change

Lucy continues to nurse but things have changed some. During the day she is easily distracted and wants to see everything that is going on around her so she does not eat as well. She now makes up for the missed feedings at night. She is a wonderful nurser at night and gets her fill before another active day!

We love you LUCY!


Mimi and Papa said...

Oh my what a beautiful granddaughter we have! We look forward to your visit over the 4th.

Jenny and Jon said...

I cannot believe she is already 5 months......and I also cannot believe you are treking back to TOLEDO yet again for another guys are troopers!!

Frances said...

Yes, I agree. We are eager to have a weekend at home. But we should feel fortunate we can go to Toledo when needed. We miss you all already!

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Aww, so cute in the little hat! Are you all in town this weekend? Let's get together if you are...