Monday, July 26, 2010

It's Time..

..that I learn to use our nice camera!

I've gotten by using the basic mode on our Canon for awhile. Just recently I decided I wanted to learn how to properly use our camera. Or at least learn the main features! Denny bought a book, when we bought the camera, and I spent an evening reading it. I've learn a little about ISO, f-stop, White Balance, etc. I know that I'm just at the tip of the iceberg but I have to start somewhere!

This evening I practiced my new skills with the prettiest model around :)


She was more than happy to pose for me after a walk around the block!

Denny arrived home from work in time to join the photo shoot! HA!

"Mommy, I think you're getting the hang of the camera!" :)
It is nice to have a baby that is so easily amused by her Mom!


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Yay! I would so love to talk "camera" with you and teach you what I learned at the Kellee Laser workshop. (Like how to adjust the f-stop so that Lucy's lips are also in focus on the third picture.) Your initial shots are gorgeous and once you go full manual mode, you'll NEVER go back! :)

Mimi and Papa said...

Wow. nice pictures...and how many did you have to delete. Mimi is going to be happy with a little automatic. haha