Friday, July 9, 2010

A Big Day!

Today is a big day for Miss Lucy!

She sat up on her own (for a minute or so)!

And she rolled over from her tummy to back and then rolled back over to her tummy! I will try to capture her new skills with the camera soon!

We bought her a new padded play mat from Amazon earlier this week. And I think she loves it because she is so active and happy whenever we play on it!

Here's a picture of it from Amazon's website:


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

SO much going on down there in Columbus! New moves, new boop love, new blanket....yay! Lucy, you're doing so well! Auntie Julia is so proud!

Mimi and Papa said...

I warned you that Lucy was close to rolling over and that left unattended on the bed would be a disaster. Voila. Oh that is so cute and I bet she loves doing it.