Monday, July 5, 2010

My First Baby Pool!

Mommy's getting my swimsuit on me….

Stop the pictures, please! I just want to go swimming! :)

Check me out! This is my first time in a baby pool!

Tongue out!

Mommy borrowed Mimi's baby pool and brought it to the Ehrmin's 4th of July party! It was a hot day and it felt great!

This is so much fun! I think I'm ready for a big pool!Photobucket


Jenny and Jon said...

Lucy, come and play with us and you can swim in our big pool all day long! P.S. I love your chunky thighs:)

Mimi and Papa said...

I was hoping to see Mommy in the baby pool with Lucy. haha. Happy Hot July. xo

Jenny and Jon said...

p.p.s. when is baby Warren due again?? Soon, right??!! I left a gift for her at Mimi's house, be sure and take it if you have not already:)

Frances said...

Stacy is due July 31!!!! I took her your gift this past weekend!

Melanie said...

Lucy, I wish my chubby thighs looked as cute in a bathing suit as yours do.

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

SUCH a happy baby! (I think her big fat diaper is hilarious!) Anneliese just had her first bath sans sling and she was so happy and even tried kicking her legs. I'm a happy mommy!