Sunday, July 11, 2010

22 Weeks Old!

Lucy is 5 and 1/2 months old and changing EVERY single day! It seems like every time I turn around she is trying something new!

This week she was an adventurous little thing! Her adventures included:
-rolling from tummy to back and then back to her tummy
-learning to love her booper like she's been using it for months (yay for this!!!!)
-picking up her booper and putting it right into her mouth all on her own :)
-napping not in Mommy's arms during the day
-sitting up on her own a few times each day! (This has to be the cutest trick of them all!)
-sleeping in her crib for the first chunk of the night (usually about 8:30pm - 12:30am)
-falling asleep in the crib on her own! (Well, with the help of her booper, swaddle blanket, white noise on the ipod, and a fan! - haha! But we're thrilled!)
-watching Mommy run like a wild woman when it started to really RAIN hard on a walk! We were about a half mile from the car and we got soaked. Lucy thought it was pretty funny!
-being a night owl Saturday night when we went to a "Going Away Party" for Brett and Kim! Lucy slept peacefully in my moby wrap while we said goodbye :(
-standing up at every chance she gets! Does this mean she is going to be an earlier walker?!?!
…and how about this face! HAHAHAH!


Jenny and Jon said...

she looks REALLY good in blue, I think it is going to be her color!! It matches those unbelievable blue eyes.

Mimi and Papa said...

I am laughing outloud thinking of you running with the stroller. xo. momma

megandevere said...

Oh my goodness Lucy is getting so big! I cannot wait for another playdate for her and Emma!