Friday, July 16, 2010


Lucy is just 5 1/2 months old but she is quite the busy body now. She cannot be left alone for 5 seconds or she will scoot forward, roll over, or grab something she shouldn't!

Just a week ago I could cook dinner, unload the dishwasher, make lunch, etc and Lucy was so happy to play under her Baby Einstein Playyard! She loved to look at the lights and hold her toes! :)
Her favorite thing to do was grab and play with the yellow parrot!Photobucket

After 5 seconds she will be rolled over with her arm stuck under her body!

"What Mom, is there a problem?"
"Don't worry Mom, I can get my arm free!"
"And I can even suck on my hand, while balancing my head up!"

Oh Miss Lucy, Mommy and Daddy love watching you grow and change every single day. We are sad to see our little newborn baby disappear but are excited to see our baby learn new things!


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Isn't that five short months, she's an interactive, mobile, playful little girl! (I also am grateful that God lets us birth vulnerable newborns to cuddle and nurture...there is nothing like that bonding time!)

Jenny and Jon said...

The next thing you will acquire will be gates for all those stairs! We had some sort of a pen like contraption just to contain Jackson in one area so we could do some things, we did not have the stairs, but the TILE floors were no treat either. It is fun!

Jenny and Jon said...

The next thing you will acquire will be gates for all those stairs! We had some sort of a pen like contraption just to contain Jackson in one area so we could do some things, we did not have the stairs, but the TILE floors were no treat either. It is fun!

Mimi and Papa said...

This blog just cracked me up. I am laughing out loud alone in the kitchen - Jay thinks I am crazy. Go Lucy. xo