I mean Boot Camp! HAH!
Lucy is currently going through boot camp with her boopers!!! This new effort comes from a very tired Mom who has a baby that wants to nurse ALL NIGHT LONG! Lucy never really took to a pacifier as a newborn and we didn't push it. But the time has come that a booper would do wonders to soothe her in the middle of the night. She was sleeping great for a few months and suddenly nights have changed. It is about 2 weeks of nursing her 3-6 times (yes, you read that correctly there were nights she would want to nurse every 2 hours throughout the entire night as a 5 month old) that lead me to a new desire for a pacifier!
It is normal for a breastfed baby to wake throughout the entire first year of life for a feeding or two. Breast milk is more efficiently digested than formula therefore a breastfeed baby will not sleep all night without a feeding. But it certainly is not necessary to wake 6 times!!! She was getting in the habit of spending some QT with her Mom all night long! :)
Thursday we were very successful! She took 3 naps with a booper, two of which she feel asleep on her own, sucking away! She seems to show a preference to the Nuk pacifiers so I'm going with those. Whatever floats her boat…right? :)
Last night was a bit rough. But I was prepared for this. She took at 7:30 bath, nursed to sleep at 8:00, and then sucked away on the pacifier until 12:30! SUCCESS! Then I feed her at 12:30 and she woke at 2:00 ready to nurse again. So I rocked her to sleep with the pacifier and it worked! But 20 minutes later she lost the pacifier and decided it was time to nurse! :) So I soothed her with the pacifier again and this continued until 3:30 when I nursed her again. She then slept on her own until 6:30, with some help finding her booper, when I nursed her for another hour of sleep! She woke up at 7:30 for the day with the brightest smile around!
Time for Day #2 of Boop Training! TGIF to everyone!
How To Propagate Succulents
2 weeks ago
I have complete confidence that a pacifier works! Have you ever watched a crying baby take a blankie and pacifier and calm down completely. Proof! My children and grandchildren are also proof that pacifiers work. It doesnt matter if you call it a blooper or a pacie....they soothe a baby and toddler when nothing else works. Good luck Lucy! This will help make the am drive to Granville peaceful. xo
good luck, the paci has saved us, although we are approaching the day when we have to say goodbye to it very soon (it will hurt us more than Jackson I am certain). Those nights are ROUGH, I can remember that and the daze I was in the next day, thank GOD you are home right now to rest and not having to focus and push yourself through a work day exhausted!!
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