Monday, July 19, 2010


Poor Lucy has been eating prunes instead of oatmeal cereal. While she definitely liked the oatmeal cereal better than the prunes, after a few bites she was even diving for a bite of prunes!

Here's a picture of her first time having prunes.
"Really Mom, can I just have the oatmeal back?"


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Cute! Love the new wipe-off bib! :) (Hmmm, prunes, eh? I don't think I've ever eaten one. In my co-op organic delivery this week I get pluots, which are the combination of plums and apricots. Yet another fruit I've yet to try!)

Jenny and Jon said...

Prunes are great! I still love them with breakfast!! I don't think Jackson was a big fan, but wait until you get to peaches, she will LOVE those:)

Mimi and Papa said...

I think it is time for big plastic bibs and protection for this new eating experience. Stop the prunes now that Lucy is back on track...move to peaches which are delicious! Yay.