Sunday, July 25, 2010

Our Little Napper!

Lucy has begun to take her daily naps on her own! This is a big step for a baby who preferred to nap in someone's arms for the first 5 months of life! And honestly, I didn't mind most days but the new freedom has allowed me to get a few things done around the house! She is still such a little cuddlier!

Today she was rubbing her eyes when we were playing on our bed. So I found her booper, favorite blanket, and laid with her on the bed. Within minutes, she was rubbing her face into her blanket, and was asleep!

She slept 1 hour and 45 minutes!

About an hour into her nap she rolled over into this position! This is also her favorite position at night. Rolled over, on her side, almost to her tummy, with her head turned up! It may be the cutest thing I've ever seen :)

But wait...maybe these chubby thighs are the cutest things I've ever seen! (I so wanted to grab them as she lay there sleeping!)


Emily said...

She looks so big!

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

I knew she'd transition like a princess. She's just a diva and wants attention, Mom! ;) (Yes, that head cocked up and those thighs are too smoochable!) Next time, in the crib so her Godmother doesn't panic that she'll roll off the bed, k? k. :)

Frances said...

Yes, the crib is the next step. She prefers the bed because I lay next to her as she falls asleep! :)

Jenny and Jon said...

Don't let her roll off the bed, yikes! Maybe she will like to fall asleep to her mobile in the crib, that worked for Jackson, also a small fan turned against the wall can help in her room to create some white noise.