Wednesday, July 7, 2010

21 Weeks Old!

This past weekend Lucy turned 21 weeks old! It is so hard to believe that just around the corner is the big 6 months! Lucy is changing every day and I can't imagine what will happen in the next weeks.

She is quite the happy baby now-a-days!

Full of gummy smiles…
big ol' chubby thighs…
and a love for sticking that tongue out!Photobucket

We love you Lucy Josephine!


Jenny and Jon said...

maybe she will get a tooth soon, that might be what the tongue sticking out is all about.....I would have to check Jack's baby book to remember when he got his first tooth, how bad is that, I cannot remember!!

Mimi and Papa said...

Happy 5 months! Lucy just gets cuter and cuter! xo