Our teeny, tiny 6lbs. baby is no longer a newborn! She is already 23 weeks old!

It is hard to believe you almost weight 14 lbs. You have more than doubled your birth weight before being 6 months old!
Your newest joys:
-I love being carried in the Baby Bjorn, facing out of course, so I can check out everything!
-I love playing on my playmat and rolling over and over and over!
-I love my
Sophie Girafee! I can squeak her and chew on her for hours:)
-I love jumping in my jumperoo!
-I love playing in my exersaucer. I discover new toys everytime I'm in it!
-I love rolling out of my
playyard although Mommy doesn't seem to like this because she is always moving me back onto the mat! HA!
-I love rolling over to my tummy and then holding my head up high!
-I love trying solids at dinner time with Mommy and Daddy. This week I'm trying sweet potatoes! And I think they are pretty good :)
-I love practicing to sit up! At the right moment, I can sit up for 20-30 seconds!

"This is my elephant from Gigi!"

And for the final new JOY!
-I LOVE MY BOOPER! NUK brand only! Mommy and Daddy are really happy about this one! My pacifier makes me happy in the car, during naps, and at night. I just suck away on it and it calms me down quickly. If I have my Aden and Anais blanket and my booper - I'm good to go:)

Just around the corner is Lucy's 6 month birthday! Our dear friend and photographer,
Shannon Sano will be taking Lucy's 6 month photos! We are so excited to see her beautiful work again!
*Sadly, this is the end of Lucy's weekly updates. I really enjoyed documenting her growth for the first 24 weeks of her life. But I realize with my return to school in August that I will be quite busy again. Starting at 6 months, I am going to only take photos of L in her crib each month. Don't worry - I promise other weekly photos too! It will be fun to watch her continue to change each month! I hope all you enjoyed the weekly updates for the first 6 months of Lucy's life!