Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lucy Performing

Lucy performing

Click here to view this video

7 Weeks Old!

Miss Lucy turned 7 weeks old while we were in Perrysburg for a long weekend! Here is her picture: (just a few days late!)


-smiling and cooing
-I LOVE mornings!
-following Mommy and Daddy with my eyes
-nursing every 2-3 hours during the day and 3-6 hours at night! (Yes, you read that correctly Lucy went 6 hours one night!!!)
-I weight 10 lbs. and 3 ounces and can wear size 0-3 month clothing! (Although some size 1 diapers are still a little big on me!)
-wiggling my toes when I don't have socks on
-kicking and stretching after getting my diaper changed
-sucking my hand
"I'm especially happy if I can find my thumb!"
-this warm, sunny Spring weather!…Mommy thought this called for a photo shoot this morning while I played on my changing table!
I am quite the model :)

-I STILL do NOT like the hours of 8:00-11:00 p.m. I can't seem to calm down unless someone has soothed me to sleep. I hope to out grow this soon because it is no fun to cry!
-pacifier…I'm still not a fan!
-putting on long-sleeved onesies….yay for warm weather and short-sleeved shirts :)
-when I'm not happy I am REALLY good at sticking out my bottom lip….unfortunately, everyone thinks it's cute!

*Post coming soon about our visit to Perrysburg!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy Birthday, Julia!

We can't wait to celebrate with you this weekend! I know it will be a great birthday!

You are the BEST…



..mommy to this beautiful little girl (and one on the way!)!

.. and wife!



Lucy had another great week and is excited for another trip to Perrysburg this weekend! She can't wait to celebrate Aunt Julia's birthday, watch Uncle Jay play baseball, play at Mimi and Papa's house, play with Elisabeth all day Monday and Tuesday and hang out with Grandpa Gary! (The Ehrmin girls are going to Chicago shopping…Lucy's jealous!)

Here are some pictures of Miss Lucy! Check out that smile! We love you LJE!

Car seat fun!

She loves snuggling on Daddy...
..and Mommy!

Here is Lucy - sleeping peacefully in her SwaddleMe in the Co-Sleeper :)Photobucket

TGIF! Have a great weekend :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Weight Check...

Yesterday morning, Lucy and I went to Breastfeeding Support Group. While we were there I weighed Lucy after a diaper change. She weighed…


9 pounds and 10 ounces! WOW - what a growing girl!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Trip to Our Local Consignment Shop!

This week Lucy and I had some fun at our local consignment shop! I've been wanting to check it out for awhile but this was our first trip there. She slept peacefully in the Baby Bjorn as I browsed the aisles. I found some great finds and had a blast bargain shopping for Lucy!

Here are two beautiful smocked dresses for this spring and summer:
Check out this adorable pink outfit(love the ribbon and alligators!):

And I couldn't resist another pair of baby moccasins:

As I was heading to the checkout I spotted Lily Pulitzer out of the corner of my eye. This adorable skirt won't fit until next summer but I couldn't pass it up:

When we got home Lucy played(kicking, cooing, and stretching) in her crib, for the first time, for 30 whole minutes while I put away her clean clothes and organized her closet! I decided to display all of her cute shoes on the shelf....what a spoiled little girl!

Check out these TO DIE FOR sparkly shoes that arrived in the mail from Melanie in LA! Lucy's very first pair of Lelli Kelli's!
Thank you Melanie....she can't wait to wear them!

WOW, having a baby girl to shop for is just too much fun!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


It is hard to believe that we've had a baby now for 6 weeks. It seems just like yesterday we were bringing Lucy home from the hospital on a cold, yet sunny February afternoon! Over the past weeks there have been many items that have been very helpful with a newborn! (and others that we didn't use at all!) I hope this post will help some of you who are expecting a baby this year……Heather Brzozka, Julia Burrow, Stacy Warren, Ashley Moore, etc, etc! Here's a list of our favorites so far:

1. Chicco Cortina Travel System Stroller - this system comes with an infant car seat (with superior safety ratings) a stroller, and one base. We have loved it so far and I don't know what we would do without it on our "outings!" We bought another Chicco base for Denny's car but have yet to use it. Although we are taking his car to Perrysburg this weekend and it will be nice not to have to move the secured base out of my car.

2.Baby Trend Deluxe Diaper Champ - we have this in Lucy's nursery. It is a very simple diaper trash can that secures the diapers in regular trash bags. I like the way the diapers stay out of sight (and smell), it is small and compact, and it is big enough to hold her diapers for about 6-7 days before filling up.

3. Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper - I LOVE this! I found mine at a garage sale over last summer! It is attached to my side of our bed and is a safe place for Lucy to nap, lay while I use the restroom or do laundry, and sleep at night (we're still working on this.) What I like best about it is that it attached right to the bed and there is no gap in between. It has great pockets to store diapers, etc and also serves as a changing table in our bedroom. We use this co-sleeper every single day and night!

4. Graco Pack n' Play with newborn napper - I also LOVE this pack n' play. We keep this in our family room and also use it every single day. I think we use the changing table portion the most. The newborn napper part is a safe place to put Lucy when I need to do something but she isn't really crazy about sleeping in it for more than 10 minutes..haha! The neutral colors are also nice and it is very functional.

5. Summer Infant SwaddleMe - this is a MUST for Lucy at night. Without this her little hands would wake her up all night long. We put this on her, at her last diaper change, before going to bed for the night. She snuggles right in and seems to really like it. It is also simple enough for me to do, in the dark, during mid-night diaper changes…lol! The Miracle Blanket is nice too. Although I find it a bit complicated at 4:00 a.m.!

6. BOOBS! Haha, no seriously though I should move this to #1. Breastfeeding, while very challenging in the beginning is the #1 most calming, soothing thing for Lucy (and mom.) I would not trade this one-on-one time with Lucy for anything. And I think she'd say the same! Even at 2:30 a.m. :) Speaking of breastfeeding…my breast pump is also wonderful. Julia picked out the Medela Pump InStyle Advanced Breast Pump for me and it is wonderful! Quick, painfree, and simple to use. I also love the Pea In The Pod nursing bra and Target nursing tank-tops!

7. Burp cloths and blankets - I laughed when I received over 15 beautiful, soft blankets before Lucy was born. I never imagined we'd use them all. Well I take it back…you can never have enough soft, cuddly blankets! My favorite burp clothes are made by "Angel Dear" and come in the sweetest, little suitcase. Luckily I received a two sets, one from my friend Megan and one from my sister-in-law Jenny…we use them everyday!

8. Slings/Baby Carriers - these are wonderful if you want to get ANYTHING done in the first weeks. Lucy's seems to enjoy being close to mom, AT ALL TIMES, so they help me have a free hand to get things done around the house. Favorites so far included: Baby Bjorn, Mei Tai, Petunia Pickle Bottom Sling, and Sakura Bloom sling. A MUST in our house!

9. Gerbie Onesies - I really like these because they are thinner and perfect for underneath another outfit or onesie! We started with newborn size and have now moved to 0-3 months. Lucy wears one everyday and sometimes at night and they even (sometimes!) keep her explosive poops from getting on her clothes. Speaking of explosive poops….ha…..a bottle of SHOUT stain remover is a MUST with a breastfeeding newborn. I keep a bottle next to the guest bathroom sink and use it almost daily. I soak the dirty clothing item in cold water, until I have a free moment, and then use Shout to rub the dark yellow poopy out! (Thanks to Mimi for the advice….we have yet to ruin anything!)

10. Nice camera - we obviously LOVE taking pictures of Lucy and our Canon SLR camera makes taking a nice picture so easy! I'm really glad we splurged and bought it! I also asked for a small point and shoot for the diaper bag. (Don't want to miss a cute smile while out and about!)

I'm sure there are many, many more things that we use daily and I love but Miss Lucy is requesting me RIGHT now! If I think of something really important I'll add it to the list. I hope this helps some of you ;)

Things we have yet to use or don't like so much:
1. baby monitor
2. crib
3. bassinet baskets
4. jumperoo
5. bottles (we need to work on this :)
6. bottle warmer

Monday, March 22, 2010

Six Weeks Old!

Here is Miss Lucy six weeks old in her OSU cheerleading uniform!
We went to Roosters, with our friends Kim and Brett, to watch the game. Lucy did great and slept for the first half in the Baby Bjorn on Mommy. Then played and was wide awake the second half. We had lots of fun and it was nice getting out! OSU beat Georgia Tech and now moves on to the Sweet 16!

-smiling at Mommy and Daddy
-warm spring weather and stroller walks
-wearing size 1 diapers....I out grew newborn size!!! (Mommy's sad about it)
-cooing and smiling right after I wake up in the AM
-bouncing in Daddy's arms
-sucking on my hand...when I can find it!
-being carried in the Baby Bjorn...Mommy can shop for me while I sleep!
-warm baths...I love to coo, kick, and play!

-9:00-11:00 p.m. I DO NOT like this time at all! Mommy and Daddy are trying everything to keep me happy or sleeping during this time.
-bottle feeding (We tried the first bottle without much success. We will try again this week!) gags me!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Daddy Time!

I came home from running a few errands this afternoon and found these adorable pictures on our camera. Maybe someday I'll be able to take pictures as well as Denny.

Look at our beautiful baby girl!PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

Here's Daddy and Lucy chilling Saturday night. This is before her nightly meltdown which happens around 9:00-11:00pm. We are hoping and praying that she grows out of this soon. We hate to hear her cry! :(

Flower Headbands and Bow Holder!

The crafting continued with these beautiful flower headbands…
With some scissors and a hot glue gun these fake flowers can become beautiful baby headbands!

Lucy proudly modeled her new headbands!
I think this beautiful light pink peony is my favorite!

Katie proudly modeled Lucy's new baby bows :)

..and then we decided she needed a personalized bow holder!

What will we think of next?!?! Suggestions?!?! :)