Friday, March 26, 2010


Lucy had another great week and is excited for another trip to Perrysburg this weekend! She can't wait to celebrate Aunt Julia's birthday, watch Uncle Jay play baseball, play at Mimi and Papa's house, play with Elisabeth all day Monday and Tuesday and hang out with Grandpa Gary! (The Ehrmin girls are going to Chicago shopping…Lucy's jealous!)

Here are some pictures of Miss Lucy! Check out that smile! We love you LJE!

Car seat fun!

She loves snuggling on Daddy...
..and Mommy!

Here is Lucy - sleeping peacefully in her SwaddleMe in the Co-Sleeper :)Photobucket

TGIF! Have a great weekend :)


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

That smile makes my birthday complete! (Seriously, I find myself getting onto facebook just to see that smile over and over again because it makes me so full of pride for my beautiful niece!) We are looking forward to sharing the weekend with you three. :)

Mimi and Papa said...

Sweet Dreams! xo