Friday, March 5, 2010


Lucy and I just got back from her very first stroller ride around the neighborhood! She loved it and slept the entire way! While it is only 40 degrees today, it feels like 65 because it is such a drastic change from the recent cold, snowy weather. It is suppose to be sunny and in the high 40's all weekend! Denny and I do not have any big plans for the weekend and I think we will take lots of walks!

Here are a few pictures from the past two days! Lucy and I spend many hours playing together on our bed. I just can't get enough of my baby girl…

This onesie is perfect for Miss Lucy!
Lucy is definitely my new alarm clock, although last night was an amazing night! Lucy napped on Daddy from 10:30-12:00am. Then nursed and slept in the co-sleeper from 12:00-1:30am (success!) Then nursed and slept with Mommy from 2:00-4:30am. Then nursed again and slept in the co-sleeper from 5:00-7:00am (success!!!) Then nursed and slept with Mommy from 7:30-9:30am! It was a great night, no crying, and a happy sleeping baby (and Mommy and Daddy!) We hope this is a new trend!

"Hi MOM!"
"Okay Mommy, I'm starting to get tired of these pictures…"

"Did you not hear me Mommy, I'm DONE with posing for today!"


Mimi and Papa said...

Hilarious! She told you she was done and you did not get that message. Ha. TGIF. I hope you have a wonderful Friday pm and enjoy this pretend spring weather. Miss you xo

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

She is the world's cutest alarm doubt!