Lucy's stats on 3/10/2010 (1+ month old):
weight = 8 pounds and 14 ounces (50%)
length = 20 and 3/4 inches (50%)
head circ. = 14 and 1/2 inches (50%)
Lucy was in the 50% for all of her measurements and the doctor was very pleased with her weight gain. Obviously she is nursing very well! Dr. Kern said she can now go 3 hours between feedings during the day and 4 hours at night. This may be a bit of a struggle for Lucy because she is pretty set on her feedings evert 2 hours during the day and 2 and 1/2 to 3 hours at night. We'll have to work on extending the time over the next month. Dr.K did reassure me that it isn't an exact science and every day will differ. He also suggested we introduce her to a bottle. So look for a post this coming week or weekend about Lucy's first bottle experience....we hope it goes well!?!?
Mommy and Lucy also went to their first "Breastfeeding Support Group" this morning. (Or as Laura and I call it "Boob Group!" or "Boob AA."---haha) The health system that Mt. Carmel East is part of offers this group and it was recommended during our hospital stay. The class is every Wednesday @ 10:00 am at St. Ann's in Westerville. There were just 5 moms/babies and a Lactation Consultant there. We chatted about breastfeeding, sleeping struggles, daily routines, diaper rash, etc, etc, etc. They also have a scale so Moms can check their babies weight gain. (So I actually knew about Lucy's awesome weight gain prior to her afternoon doctor's appointment!) The group went well and I hope to attend again next week!
In other exciting news...Katie is coming next week to visit and meet Lucy during her Spring Break!

We met in college in education classes and were instantly friends.....we had so much fun together at Miami! I can't wait to spend time with her again:) And Lucy really looks forward to playing with her :) Katie is also very excited to meet L as you can read in her blog post!
What fun to have a visitor for spring break! We'll look for blog updates and fun! xoxo to my big girl, Lucy...growing like a weed! We love you!
Hi to Katie from Jackie and Papa! Wish we could visit with you! Enjoy Lucy and Laura and the gang. xo
I wish I could come and craft with you two, I remember hanging out with Katie the night of your rehearsal dinner, Jon and I took her and another friend of yours out to downtown Perrysburg to Stella's for some fun! Have a great visit!!
I'm so happy that you liked the support group. We are about to leave to head to ours (of course Em just fell asleep for a nap.) My dad calls our group the Moo Crew or the Dairy Queens. Give Lucy our love!
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