Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Trip to Our Local Consignment Shop!

This week Lucy and I had some fun at our local consignment shop! I've been wanting to check it out for awhile but this was our first trip there. She slept peacefully in the Baby Bjorn as I browsed the aisles. I found some great finds and had a blast bargain shopping for Lucy!

Here are two beautiful smocked dresses for this spring and summer:
Check out this adorable pink outfit(love the ribbon and alligators!):

And I couldn't resist another pair of baby moccasins:

As I was heading to the checkout I spotted Lily Pulitzer out of the corner of my eye. This adorable skirt won't fit until next summer but I couldn't pass it up:

When we got home Lucy played(kicking, cooing, and stretching) in her crib, for the first time, for 30 whole minutes while I put away her clean clothes and organized her closet! I decided to display all of her cute shoes on the shelf....what a spoiled little girl!

Check out these TO DIE FOR sparkly shoes that arrived in the mail from Melanie in LA! Lucy's very first pair of Lelli Kelli's!
Thank you Melanie....she can't wait to wear them!

WOW, having a baby girl to shop for is just too much fun!


Jenny and Jon said...

Oh my you are in trouble! It is just starting and already look at that closet!!

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Lelli Kelly's are a must. In fact, so much a must that I buy another pair now that E's outgrown them. ;) Love the post and my favorite is the yellow sundress...comfy, airy and perfect for those lovely Ohio summer days!

Mimi and Papa said...

Lucy's closet is a beautiful sight and she probably won't wear half of the lovely outfits. :) and the shoes are just adorable. I hope that she enjoys PINK... Are those blue eyes? HMMMM... they look blue to Mimi. xo