Monday, March 15, 2010

Five Weeks Old!

On Saturday Lucy was 5 weeks old! We can't figure out where the time has gone. Lucy is changing SO much these days and she does not seem like the same tiny newborn we brought home in February. She is very alert during the day and loves looking around and checking things out. She recognizes Mommy and Daddy's voices and will turn her head towards us when we enter the room :)

-being held upright to check things out
-laying in her play yard
-being swaddled tightly at night
-kicking my legs when I'm getting my diaper changed
-gazing into my Mommy's eyes while nursing
-car rides….but only when the car is moving
-being rocked, swayed, bounced
-stroller rides
-napping in her car seat
-warm baths and being cuddled afterword :)
-sleeping in the sling
-listening to my Sleep Sheep
-my blooper
-my new polka dot pants

-being laid down when sleeping (I'd rather sleep in your arms!)
-the hours of 9:00-11:00pm (I went on a car ride with Mommy and Daddy Thursday night during this time!)

Mommy can't believe how big you are getting! I love you Lucy!


Mimi and Papa said...

Where is our little newborn...Lucy is growing way too fast. xo

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Such a beauty in the pale pink...but especially adorable in her polka dot pants! Can't wait to see you, Lucy! Happy 5 weeks!

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Had a silly dream last night...I was visiting Lucy, but she was about 13 years old. I looked into her eyes and they were still very blue, but starting to turn brown on the edge of the iris. Hahaha, can you tell that my brain actually worries about these things?! (P.S. She was a darling adolescent!)