When I got there I only saw a few cars and I worried I had gotten up for nothing, but at the second garage sale I hit the jackpot!
1. Baby Bjorn carrier
2. JJ Cole BundleMe carseat cover
3. a few cute outfits
3. a few nice board books
4. infant sheet protectors
5. MiracleBlanket for swaddling newborns

6. and THE BEST FIND OF ALL!!! ----- Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper
It is a co-sleeping crib that attaches the baby's sleep space to the side of the parent's bed. The baby sleeps within arm's reach of the parents. Once the baby can roll over, the mattress can be lowered to make it a Pack and Play.

I can't wait until my next visit to Perrysburg to see all of Dee's garage sale finds for Baby Ehrmin!!! :)
Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper: God's gift to breastfeeding Mommies. So happy that you found one! (It's been on my "must have" list since I was pregnant with Elisabeth...I just used the cheap verson: baby in Mommy's bed. ;) Oh well!)
Way to go! I missed garage sales for the last 2 weeks due to the lake and then work. Ugh! I am back to work full time already. love, mimi
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