Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lucy Performing


Frances said...

Let me know which video is easier to watch. This one or the one I posted earlier?!? THANKS :)

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

This one! And I LOOOOOOVE IT! I'm so impressed with your (Denny's?) video editing skills...I just upload the raw video, but this is so cute and easy to watch. Is this your cell phone or video camera? I'm sorta keeping my eye on those teeny tiny hand-held HD video cool!

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Stupid me in my pregnancy brain, but how could I ever forget that Denny has had a love for cinema and video forever! Of course he would have the best videos on Lucy's blog! :) (E's Daddy on the other hand has more DVDs of his golf swing than of Elisabeth! Haha, not an April Fools joke!)

Mimi and Papa said...

Oh how cute to see her try so hard to lift her head for Daddy. Love the video. xo