Saturday, March 6, 2010

Happy One Month Birthday!

Today Lucy is one month old! I cannot believe it has been one whole month since this day. Part of me feels like it was just yesterday we were meeting our daughter for the first time. Time seems to be flying by and it needs to slow down so we can savor everyday with our newborn baby.

Happy One Month Birthday Miss Lucy!
-shopping and going out to eat(We took a quick trip to Polaris Mall Thursday evening and we went to Easton all afternoon today and Lucy did great both trips=slept happily the whole time!)
-Nordstorm Cafe(I went "out to eat" for the first time today!)
-nursing(every 2-2.5 hours during the day and every 2-3 hours at night)
-kangaroo care
-taking a warm bath
-kicking my legs when I'm getting my diaper changed
-smiling when I'm sleeping (Gigi says "The angels are talking to me!")
-sleeping on my own, if and only if I am swaddled tightly
-sleeping in my sling
-size Newborn and even a few 0-3 months clothing(I have officially grown out of all of Elisabeth's premie clothing)
-the fan in my parent's bedroom (I LOVE to stare at it!)
-cuddling with Daddy on the couch
Photobucket-my boots
-looking right into Mommy's eyes

-getting out of a warm bath
-the hours of about 9:00-11:00pm (I like to cry at this time :(
-my pacifier (I still like to spit it out and gag on it)
-my car seat when the car is NOT moving
-my swing, unless I am sound asleep


Melanie said...

Okay so with Baby Reese on the way and ample time off (6-days off in a row) I was doing my baby research and found this... Now I know it looks a bit scary and like it would be mean to put your baby in, but tons of people swear by it if their child likes to be swaddled really tight. Maybe try it?? I know all the premies at work can't ever seem to be swaddled tight enough and it safer than a blanket since the whole SIDS thing. Let me know what you think.

Melanie said...

Ps. Happy one-month Birthday Miss Lucy. You get even more adorable by the day.

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

One month, already?! Where has the time gone?! Lucy is beautiful...and I really like the picture where she is reaching up to you. (The green top looks great!)

Mimi and Papa said...

Happy one month birthday! It is hard to believe that 4 weeks have passed since Feb. 6. It won't be too long and Lucy will have another girl cousin and then another girl cousin. Wow.
Keep trying the blooper because one day she will love it like is inherited. haha.
"Hey Jonnie, whip me up my blooper"