Monday, March 8, 2010

Doctor's Appointment

This Wednesday Lucy has her 1 month doctor's appointment! We are excited to see how much weight our little girl has gained and hope she doesn't have to get too many vaccines.

Lucy first met Dr. Kern on February 10th. She was just 4 days old. I will never forget this appointment....the nurses were so kind and had us enter through the back doors, to avoid the waiting room. They had a room all ready for us and even turned the heat up when we got there :) Lucy was born right in the middle of many snowstorms and there was at least 10 inches of snow outside. We really like Dr. Kern and he spent a lot of time with us and answered all of our "first time parents" questions!

Lucy's stats on 2/10/2010 (4 days old):
weight = 5 pounds and 14 ounces (5%)
length = 19 and 1/2 inches (50%)
head circ. = 13 inches (10%)

Lucy's stats on 2/18/2010 (12 days old):
weight = 7 pounds and 1 ounce (10%)

Lucy's stats on 3/10/2010 (1+ month old):

Time for guesses!!! How much do you think Lucy will weigh at her 1 month check up on Wednesday? Post your guess under "comments." You have until Wednesday @ 1:30 pm to guess and then I will post the winner after our appointment!!! Can't wait to see who wins!!! :)


Mimi and Papa said...

Mimi guesses 8 lbs. 5 oz. :) cutie little baby !!!

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Our best guess: 9 pounds, 1 ounce. :) Grow, Lucy, Grow! (E was 8 pounds 10 ounces at one month + 3 days, just over 3 pound gain from birth at 5 pounds, 9 I used that as my gauge...if Lucy has gained 3 pounds from her birth weight!)

burrow said...

8 lbs 12oz and I bet she is about 21-22 inches.She is adorable.G&GO'B

Canon and Laura said...

I am going to go with 8 lbs 14 oz… I can't wait to find out! My gosh, you are perfect, Lucy!

Emily said...

11 lbs!