I've decided to do a "Day In The Life of LJE" each month. I want to remember the changes she makes each and every month. This was the last "Day In The Life" I did when Lucy was just 3 weeks old. Now that she is 8 weeks old her daily schedule is very different! At 3 weeks old I nursed her 10 times and changed her diaper 15 times a day…WOW!
10:15 pm - Upstairs to Mommy and Daddy's room for diaper change, swaddled, nurse to sleep, then laid in co-sleeper!
5:00 am - I begin to grunt, wiggle around, and act hungry. Mommy changes my diaper and nurses me back to sleep. (Yes this is correct! Lucy slept 6 hours in her co-sleeper! Knock on wood….but this is her 3rd night in a row sleeping around 5-6 hour stretch!)
6:30 am - A big poppy wakes me up :( Mommy changes my diaper and rocks me back to sleep. I sleep next to Mommy this time :)
7:30 am - nurse and then back to sleep
9:00 am - I wake Mommy up with a BIG smile and my sweet cooing. We lay in bed together and "talk!"
10:00 am - nurse and Mommy rocks me!
10:15 am - After playing on Mommy and Daddy's bed for an hour I get sleepy rocking and take a nap in my swing!
10:45 am - woke up in my swing but fell back to sleep on the couch with Mommy!
12:45 pm - awake and time for a diaper change and nurse
1:15 pm - walk around the neighborhood = napping Baby
1:45 pm - back from walk and some tummy time!
3:00 pm - pause playing time for diaper change
3:30 pm - nurse and fall asleep on Mommy
4:00 pm - continue my nap in my swing so Mommy can shower (small success in the day!)
5:15 pm - awake and play time with Daddy when he got home from work!
5:45 pm - short nap in Pack n' Play and Mommy and Daddy ate dinner together :)
6:30 pm - nurse and diaper change....then more play time
7:30 pm - another very, very necessary diaper change before car ride to post office and bank
8:45 pm - back from errands and nurse. Awake and "watching" tv with Daddy.
9:30 pm - diaper change, put on pj's, and nurse to sleep. Sleeping on Daddy while he watches the March Madness championship game between Duke and Butler!
Diaper changes in 24 hours = 8 times
Nursing in 24 hours = 9 times
I love my little 2 month old :)
What a busy day! xo Lucy, you change every day.
Happy 2 Months, Miss Lucy!
I totally remember that a shower is a success at this phase, as well as actually sitting down and eating a meal together, and getting out of the house to actually go somewhere other than a walk...well done Mommy Frances!!
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