Monday, April 26, 2010

11 Weeks Old!


Happy 11 Weeks Lucy!

-sitting on your lap so I can check out the world
-being held up on your shoulder as you walk around the house (outside is even better!)
-sleeping a solid 5-6 hours at night!!!!!!! (YAY!)
-kicking my legs in a warm bath (I'm getting so strong that I make quite the mess now-a-days!)
-sucking on my booper while napping in the swing
-trying out new sounds with my mouth
-kicking my legs and wiggling my toes!
"For some reason, Mommy loves to kiss my toes!"
-I love sucking on my hand!
"This is the face I make while I search for my hand!" :)
I love chillin' in my Boppy!
"…and I don't mind posing for pictures!"

-being overly tired! After being awake for 1.5 hours I'm ready for another nap!
-I love to be NAKED! And I'd rather not have a tight shirt squeezed over my head!
-I prefer to take a long nap on Mommy or Daddy's chest! Otherwise, if you put me down I'll just take a quick 20 minute nap.

*Knock on some wood please…
Lucy doesn't seem to mind evening hours anymore! She likes to nap and/or play during this time and is normally sound asleep, swaddled tightly laid in the co-sleeper, by 10:30pm every night! She then begins to wake 5-7 hours later and I nurse her before she can even wake up and she goes right back to sleep! I am very happy to have developed this nighttime routine with her!


Mimi and Papa said...

Happy 11 weeks to you...what a beautiful baby you are. We miss you ....xo

Jenny and Jon said...

She is SO gorgeous, I cannot wait to hold her in a few short weeks!! I love this stage, you are through the newborn awkwardness and extreme sleep deprivation phase and on to the fun! I can remember that Jackson would ususally sleep just like this, down around 10 or 10:30 followed immediately by Jon and I and then he was ususally up around 3 or 3:30 and then back down until 7 or so.

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Lucy, you make us laugh! We love your lounging pictures in the boppy...nothing like baby tummy! :) (P.S. Auntie Julia wants to smooch those teeny, tiny toes as well!)