Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lucy's First trip to the Columbus Museum of Art!

On Friday Lucy and I met my class at the CMA during their field trip! The Columbus Museum of Art is currently hosting "Chihuly Illuminated!" All of the blown glass was absolutely beautiful!

Lucy was a good girl and my students LOVED seeing her again!

Therese (my wonderful long term sub!) and Laura!

Look closely…Lucy's smiling :)

No this wasn't taken at the museum….that's our front yard! The tulips I planted last year bloomed :)

1 comment:

Jenny and Jon said...

You are now officially in the fun part when you can get out a bit! I remember thinking that with Jack but that was right when I had to go back to work, I need to find a way to get 12 weeks off next time...not sure if that is ever going to be possible with an attorney schedule, but the 8 week mark definitely marks when things turn the corner!!