I keep telling myself that I'll laugh about this someday...
Thursday afternoon I decided to pack Lucy up and head to Giant Eagle. We had NO groceries and it was a gorgeous day out. Also, Thursday evenings Denny has class at OSU (he will graduate in June!) and we had no plans for the night. I nursed Lucy, changed her diaper, etc and we were ready to go. The trip started out great as Lucy fell asleep on the way to the grocery store.
I carried her in and this is when the adventure began.....what do I do with her huge carseat?!? I just didn't feel comfortable placing it on top of the cart like I've seen some moms do. So I placed sleeping Lucy's carseat in the cart basket. Now there literally is NO room left for groceries! HA! Off we go to get some groceries. I filled in the small spaces around her carseat, the small upper basket, and the rack below the cart. Groceries were literally falling off the cart as we turned corners. As I headed to the checkout Lucy began to stir and wake up. Perfect timing...NOT! There were long lines at the 3 registers that were open. When we finally got to the checkout, I unloaded my cart and my real adventure began...I couldn't find my keys with my Giant Eagle card. I didn't stress about it and quickly paid. A nice worker offer to push my groceries out to my car so I could carry Lucy...as we were walking out I was scavenging through my diaper bag for my keys.
This is when my heart began to race....my keys are NO WHERE to be found. We make it out to my car and I still haven't found my keys. The worker helps me check in the cart, Lucy's carseat, etc and the keys are still missing. What am I going to do? I notice I left the back window cracked open so I reach in and unlock the car......OPPS! There goes the alarm!!! HONK, HONK, HONK!
So now I'm standing in the parking lot with a baby who is now totally awake, a cart full of groceries, a HONKING car, and NO keys! I'm starting to feel pretty panicked at this point. What am I going to do? Denny's in class and at least 20 minutes away. My groceries are all melting as it's 80 and sunny today. I walk back inside with the nice worker to see if anyone found my keys and turned them in.....NOPE! As we head back outside I'm officially starting to sweat! HA! I reach into the back of my diaper bag, where the changing pad goes, and I hear keys! I literally dove into the bag head first and finally found them stuck INSIDE the changing pad....I have NO IDEA how they got there.
Finally, the groceries were loaded into my car and Lucy and I were heading home. The entire way home I'm telling Lucy that we won't be going to the grocery store together for A LONG LONG LONG TIME! She was okay with it...she told me she prefers short trips to Target and Easton anyways...hehe!
...I keep telling myself I'll laugh at this story someday :)
How To Propagate Succulents
2 weeks ago
Oh, I'm so sorry that you had such a bad experience! My solution to the infant-carseat-in-the-cart problem? Pop baby in carrier and leave carseat in car. You'll have more room in the cart and baby won't get fussy! You'll have this all down pat in no time and you'll laugh...but I don't find it very funny yet either. :( Hurry up and graduate, Daddy Denny, Mommy Frances needs an extra set of hands! ;)
Every mother experiences this type of thing...and No, it is not funny. It is truly stressful. I heard the trip to Target today went so much better!!!
Cell phone and keys need to have their own special pocket in the diaper bag - never deviate...I think that will help.
Can't wait to visit on Easter. xo
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