Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thankful Mommy!

Dear God,

Today, as my sweet baby naps in my arms, I want to thank you for all your blessings.

These blessings include:
-Lucy's health
-her ear-to-ear SMILE
-her beautiful, dark eyelashes
-her sweet breath
-her plump, pink lips
-her tiny squeaks
-her loud cry's
-the way she kicks her legs up to lift her little bottom into the air
-her willingness to feed from a bottle
-her gorgeous blue eyes
-the way she nussles her face into my chest when sleeping
-her chubby fingers
-her wrinkly toes
-her soft,beautiful skin
-the little wisps of hair on her head
-the way she gazes into my eyes when she nurses
-the happiness she feels when she gets her hand in her mouth
-her light eyebrows
-her perfectly shaped ears
-her sweet, cheerful demeanor

I feel so blessed to be the mother of this absolutely beautiful baby you have created in your image.

Mommy and Daddy love you so much!


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

We thank God for little Miss Lucy, too!

Mimi and Papa said...

She is perfect and pure and a true gift from God. It is right to be thankful for our blessings.
Those pictures are beautiful!