Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How Much?

We're off to breastfeeding group this morning and I'm eager to weigh Lucy! Our 2 month doctor's appt. is not until next week so we'll get a sneak peak at her weight today. I wonder how much this little 8 week old weighs now?


Lucy weighed 10 lbs. and 5 oz. without anything on! She is a still a petite little baby but growing quickly!

Sleep has really, really, really improved since she turned 8 weeks old! It was almost like 8 weeks was the magic number to start sleeping longer at night! Also her fussy hours of 8:00-11:00 pm have greatly improved (knock on wood please!). Her new routine is napping on Mommy or Daddy until around 10:00ish and then diaper change, being swaddled, and nursed to sleep. Then I lay her in the co-sleeper and she'll sleep up to 6 hours!!! I'll nurse her when she wakes (4:00-6:00am) and then she'll go back to sleep until a big poopy wakes her up around 7:00am! Daddy kindly changes her and brings her back to bed…at this time she'll either sleep for another hour or so…or she'll be WIDE AWAKE smiling and cooing. I'll take either after sleeping through most of the night :) I can still vividly remember nursing her every 2 hours throughout the entire night and rocking her back to sleep after every feeding….wow, how things have changed :)


Mimi and Papa said...

Be sure to record this moments in her baby book as you will love to look back and see how she changed. I still love hearing how you compare your stats to Lucy's from your very own baby book. You can never record enough information so keep that baby book on a table in the living room.

Frances said...

Good idea to compare....I'll get out my baby book and Denny's and see how Lucy compares :)

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Nothing like a good night of rest. I knew that I would end up at Michigan for residency because Elisabeth slept through the ENTIRE night for the first time on the night before my interview. What a blessing so that I was rested and ready to interview! Grow, Lucy, grow! (P.S. Look at that skinny little Lucy on your blog has she changed!)

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

I looked up Lucy on the CDC growth curves and she's just under the 50th percentile for weight. She's just so perfect! :) "Weigh to grow, Lucy!"