Then Tuesday roles switched and she decided she wanted to be the baby. She would lay in the play yard with Lucy. Sit in the bouncy seat. She even asked if she could lay in the Pack n' Play! Obviously, I played right along with her and spent my day with two "babies!"
Good Morning Sunshine!
Let the fun begin…
Have you spotted the baby doll yet?
Lucy was all smiles playing with her cousin!
Lucy even tried E's cloth diapers! Too cute :)
Elisabeth, Lucy and I miss you already and hope to have a play date again soon!
Omigosh, I'm absolutely smiling by myself and adoring this posting. It's remarkable to see my little girl acting like a little Mommy. The real props go to YOU, for managing a toddler and a newborn, with ease! (I wondered if you got pictures, but I was too sick to think of it myself, thank you!) We miss you and I thank you profusely for stepping up when we needed somebody to love our Elisabeth for us while we worked. Come back soon! xoxoxo
P.S. How cute are those kissing pictures? (Both kissing L and her baby!)
Mimi is so proud of her little grandchildren...I wish Jackson could be here, too. He would have given Aunt Frances a run for her money that day. We are so lucky to have special grandchildren - they are sooooo smart and wonderful and we love them so much. And now we have another one soon to arrive. Can't wait. xo
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