Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Baby Anneliese!

Anneliese Helen Burrow was born Saturday, April 17th at 5 pounds and 5 ounces! She decided to surprise her parents and arrive at their home @ 11:30 a.m. while Julia and Craig were getting ready to head to the hospital! Craig quickly called 911 and the EMS workers arrived just in time for the birth!!! Anneliese is the most beautiful, teeny tiny newborn I've ever seen. She has a head full of dark brown hair, dark complexion, dark brown eyes, and the most wrinkly, soft skin.


She is a joy to hold and the little squeaks she makes are the sweetest sounds I've ever heard!

While her arrival was quite unexpected, we even decided to postpone Lucy's baptism because we had a feeling Julia and Craig would be unable to travel, the weekend turned out just wonderfully! Our family welcomed another baby into the world and Lucy and I were able to spend a few days with the growing Burrow family!

Lucy looked like a little "chunker" next to teeny tiny Anneliese!

Anneliese is WILD with those hands :)

Gigi holding yet another great-grandbaby!

Proud BIG sister Elisabeth loved spending time with Lucy again!PhotobucketPhotobucket

"Look Mommy, I can do it"

Congratulations to Julia, Craig, and Elisabeth! Baby Anneliese is just perfect!!! :)


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

What a lovely posting, honoring our sweet Anneliese! Thank you for sharing in our joy! It was a blessing to have you with us! Lucy and Anneliese will have a special bong forever. :)

Emily said...

Mommy DDS-
Do you mean special "bong" or bond? hehe

Mimi and Papa said...

This was a whirlwind of a week...beginning Sat. am and actually still flying. Our family has so many blessings to be thankful for...