Sunday, April 25, 2010

SJJ vs. Central!

While we were in Perrysburg for the birth of Anneliese we were able to make it to one of Jay's biggest baseball games of the season. SJJ hosted Central at Fifth Thrid Field, where the Mudhens play! It was a blast watching Jay play and it was quite the game. SJJ was ahead 5 to 1 then Central came back with the lead and in the end SJJ won 9-8!


Can you spot Jay in right field?

Two of our neighbors from the Hamlet even showed up!

Lucy was a little trooper and slept on Mommy throughout the game. We even went to Jed's for dinner after the game!

Mimi and I were their biggest fans! LOL!PhotobucketPhotobucket

SJJ is having quite the season!Photobucket


Mimi and Papa said...

Great pictures from a great baseball game! I am making a powerpoint now so if you can send me pictures that I can save directly to the powerpoint, that would be good. We have to look in our archives to find some good ones from 9th grade. :) I am NOT going back further than that or the powerpoint will last 3 hrs. Who would want to watch that except me. haha.

Auntie Mimi Knight said...

Hi Frannie,

lovin' your pictures. Lucy looks like the beautiful twins and of course I can see both parents. Enjoy your time off Frances.
love, Auntie Mimi