Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy Birthday, Gigi!

Today is the birthday of the most loving, caring, generous, beautiful, outgoing, stylish, and fun-loving Grandmother in the world! My Grams turns 86 years young today! I feel so blessed that she is able to hold and love my daughter. Nothing makes your heart overflow with joy more than seeing your Grandmother hold your sweet newborn.

She is a natural!

Grams...Happy Birthday! We love you more than you even know!

Lucy, I want you to know how much your Gigi loves holding you! Last weekend when we were in Perrysburg we went to Gigi's to visit. The entire morning you smiled and talked to Gigi! You love her so much already!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thankful Mommy!

Dear God,

Today, as my sweet baby naps in my arms, I want to thank you for all your blessings.

These blessings include:
-Lucy's health
-her ear-to-ear SMILE
-her beautiful, dark eyelashes
-her sweet breath
-her plump, pink lips
-her tiny squeaks
-her loud cry's
-the way she kicks her legs up to lift her little bottom into the air
-her willingness to feed from a bottle
-her gorgeous blue eyes
-the way she nussles her face into my chest when sleeping
-her chubby fingers
-her wrinkly toes
-her soft,beautiful skin
-the little wisps of hair on her head
-the way she gazes into my eyes when she nurses
-the happiness she feels when she gets her hand in her mouth
-her light eyebrows
-her perfectly shaped ears
-her sweet, cheerful demeanor

I feel so blessed to be the mother of this absolutely beautiful baby you have created in your image.

Mommy and Daddy love you so much!

Monday, April 26, 2010

11 Weeks Old!


Happy 11 Weeks Lucy!

-sitting on your lap so I can check out the world
-being held up on your shoulder as you walk around the house (outside is even better!)
-sleeping a solid 5-6 hours at night!!!!!!! (YAY!)
-kicking my legs in a warm bath (I'm getting so strong that I make quite the mess now-a-days!)
-sucking on my booper while napping in the swing
-trying out new sounds with my mouth
-kicking my legs and wiggling my toes!
"For some reason, Mommy loves to kiss my toes!"
-I love sucking on my hand!
"This is the face I make while I search for my hand!" :)
I love chillin' in my Boppy!
"…and I don't mind posing for pictures!"

-being overly tired! After being awake for 1.5 hours I'm ready for another nap!
-I love to be NAKED! And I'd rather not have a tight shirt squeezed over my head!
-I prefer to take a long nap on Mommy or Daddy's chest! Otherwise, if you put me down I'll just take a quick 20 minute nap.

*Knock on some wood please…
Lucy doesn't seem to mind evening hours anymore! She likes to nap and/or play during this time and is normally sound asleep, swaddled tightly laid in the co-sleeper, by 10:30pm every night! She then begins to wake 5-7 hours later and I nurse her before she can even wake up and she goes right back to sleep! I am very happy to have developed this nighttime routine with her!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

SJJ vs. Central!

While we were in Perrysburg for the birth of Anneliese we were able to make it to one of Jay's biggest baseball games of the season. SJJ hosted Central at Fifth Thrid Field, where the Mudhens play! It was a blast watching Jay play and it was quite the game. SJJ was ahead 5 to 1 then Central came back with the lead and in the end SJJ won 9-8!


Can you spot Jay in right field?

Two of our neighbors from the Hamlet even showed up!

Lucy was a little trooper and slept on Mommy throughout the game. We even went to Jed's for dinner after the game!

Mimi and I were their biggest fans! LOL!PhotobucketPhotobucket

SJJ is having quite the season!Photobucket

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Denny Got A New……..


Over the past few months Denny has been part of an extensive interview process at Nationwide! He got a call on Wednesday that he landed the Consultant, Brand/Reputation position! We are so excited! He will start at Nationwide on Monday, May 24th at their downtown location. I think it is a bit bittersweet for him as he is leaving the fast-paced advertising agency world for the more traditional corporate world. He will be working in the tall Nationwide skyscraper just a few blocks from SBC.

On Wednesday, he called off from work and we went to a great steak house for lunch!PhotobucketPhotobucket

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Newest Tricks...

Our little girl is talking up a storm now-a-days!!!

10 Weeks Old!

This past weekend was very exciting for our family! (Sorry this is a little late!) On Saturday Miss Lucy turned 10 weeks old, the very same day her cousin Anneliese was born!

-sleeping up to 6 hours at night! I only wake up once or twice to nurse and go right back to sleep! While in Perrysburg I even slept from 11:30 pm-7:00 am Tuesday night. Mommy woke up at least 3 times to make sure I was okay :)
-sitting up to check out the world
-bouncing, swaying, rocking
-being swaddled at night
-kicking my little chubby legs while getting my diaper changed!
-smiling, smiling, SMILING!
-burping…I am a pro at this after nursing :)
-I'm getting better and better with drinking from a bottle!
-cooing and talking - especially in the AM
-my blooper (well, Mommy at least is continuing to work on this! I think she wants me to figure it out before she has to go back to work!)
-my new mobile that Grandma Dee bought me!
-I like trying out new things! Like my Bumbo seat!PhotobucketPhotobucket
-Check out the beautiful cake my Mom and Dad ordered for my baptism! (I think they will have to order another cake because we had to postpone my baptism due to the arrival of my cousin, Anneliese!)Photobucket
-family! (They were making a toast to ME with the champagne from my birth!)

-riding in my carseat can be rough….sometimes I scream so you will get me OUT!
-being overly tired - Mommy then has to walk/bounce around the house until I fall asleep! She's a pro at this!
-the ice maker… is so LOUD when people get ice that it scares me every time!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Baby Anneliese!

Anneliese Helen Burrow was born Saturday, April 17th at 5 pounds and 5 ounces! She decided to surprise her parents and arrive at their home @ 11:30 a.m. while Julia and Craig were getting ready to head to the hospital! Craig quickly called 911 and the EMS workers arrived just in time for the birth!!! Anneliese is the most beautiful, teeny tiny newborn I've ever seen. She has a head full of dark brown hair, dark complexion, dark brown eyes, and the most wrinkly, soft skin.


She is a joy to hold and the little squeaks she makes are the sweetest sounds I've ever heard!

While her arrival was quite unexpected, we even decided to postpone Lucy's baptism because we had a feeling Julia and Craig would be unable to travel, the weekend turned out just wonderfully! Our family welcomed another baby into the world and Lucy and I were able to spend a few days with the growing Burrow family!

Lucy looked like a little "chunker" next to teeny tiny Anneliese!

Anneliese is WILD with those hands :)

Gigi holding yet another great-grandbaby!

Proud BIG sister Elisabeth loved spending time with Lucy again!PhotobucketPhotobucket

"Look Mommy, I can do it"

Congratulations to Julia, Craig, and Elisabeth! Baby Anneliese is just perfect!!! :)