Sunday, January 31, 2010

39 weeks.....7 days to go!

I can't believe the counter now says only "7 days to go!" I can vividly remember when it was over 200 days. We are so excited for the big day to come and we feel ready! I couldn't be happier that we are only one week from her due date! When will you arrive Miss Lucy?

Many people have made suggestions of things we should try to do before our first baby arrives. I think we have checked most off the list:
1. Go out to eat A LOT (check!)
2. Go see movies (check!)
3. Prepare and freeze some meals (double check on this one...thanks Mom!)
4. Go out with friends (check!)
5. Get stocked up on baby essentials (check!)
6. Book a newborn photo shoot (check...Shannon we are so excited for you to take pictures of baby Lucy!)

This week's "Pregnancy Facts" for Mom-to-be says your center of gravity has shifted so you may become clumsier. This couldn't be any further from the truth. Just yesterday, I stubbed my pinky toe so bad that I literally crumbled in pain at least 3 different times during the day. (Each time Denny came running to me thinking this could be the start of labor...hahah!)

I hope you all enjoy a relaxing Sunday! I am ready for the work week to start and discover when Miss Lucy wants to greet this world. If nothing happens before, I have a doctors appointment Wednesday after work. I'll keep you updated!


Mimi and Papa said...

Well, Grandpa Mutchler hoped to have baby Lucy arrive on his birthday, Feb. 5th. Let's see what happens. Relax and enjoy. xo

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

I think you've done everything I can think of. Short of sterilizing your breastpump parts and're already ahead of the game. Are you guys using Mam bloopers? I guess it's time to kick back and relax, just like Mimi suggested. :)

Frances said...

We have Mam bloopers ready. Also, a few newborn bloopers that I've been given at baby showers. We will see what Miss Lucy prefers. How do we sterilize the bloopers?

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Fill your pyrex measuring cup with water and drop all of the bloopers in. Microwave about 3 mins or until you see a nice rapid boil. Leave in hot water for about 5 mins and then cool. Serve room temp ;)

Jenny and Jon said...

Everyone loves Lucy........and we can't wait to meet you little lady, come on out already!!!

On the paci talk.....don't push them on her if she does not cling to them...I have a 20 month old that is a MAM ADDICT!!! We went and saw a pediatric dentist today and his two front teeth are bucked out from the paci......she said they will go back but still....

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Hi Jenny!...were you a Fly fan (Darby) when she discussed this exact issue with her MOrgan (from thumb sucking? You'd be shocked to see how quickly the teeth came back into place. (Or just read here... I shouldn't have read that blog, because now I'm not as worried. Daddy DDS says that anything over 6 hrs per day can shift teeth. We try to keep under that limit. I'm tempted to trash them, but they're miraculous for a fussy 2 yr old. Mimi tells of 4yo Jay and his bloops! Luckily we have the silky blankies that can come to the rescue should we abandon the bloopers, right? (I suppose that I should have emailed you....poor Frances is reading all of my blah blah blah!) Anyways, smooches to my favorite nephew!

Jenny and Jon said...

Julia and anyone else the cares about pacis........yes, I read the Darby blog and read about when her oldest daughter stopped thumb sucking and most recently when her other daughter got off the paci at 3...I know the teeth will shift back and we're just trying to limit paci time to sleeping at night and a nap in the day...they are a LIFE SAVER for a kid who is hooked on them!