This afternoon I went to my doc for my weekly check-up and now I'm feeling a bit bummed. I was very, very hopefully to hear Lucy is coming, but I am even happier to hear she is a healthy growing baby (who must be very content in my belly...haaha.)
My belly measurements have slowed, as she is head down and engaged, and there has been little change over the past two weeks. The doctor did remind me that "we want her to grow for 2 or more weeks!" AHHHHHH!!! I know she is right but I'm getting very anxious.
Denny's taking me out to dinner, when he gets home from class, so we can continue to enjoy our time as a "couple!" (But I can't forget that our packed bags are waiting by the door ;) )
How To Propagate Succulents
3 weeks ago
Frannie, as a mother who was induced on her due date, I FEEL YOUR PAIN! The arrival of Jackson was ALL Jon and I could think about in those last few weeks, I did everything known to man to try to speed it up but none of it worked and I think I actually cried after one of the last OB appointments because I was not dilating at all and was so discouraged when they told me that.........hang in there, all in due time:)
Lucy is enjoying her last days in that warm space and soon she will be warm in your arms. (and mimi's arms) Take care of yourself these last days and rest, organize and prepare for the big day. xo
I'm sure you're getting so anxious for baby Lucy to make her way into the world, but savor the next 17 days. She'll be here before you know it...and you'll be fighting off people who are trying to come visit her. Like me. :)
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