Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The countdown is on...

We've made it to 35 weeks! At my last doctor appointment the doctor gave me the special emergency number to call when I begin labor and began to check my progress!!! And now I am....VERY.EXCITED.TO.MEET.LITTLE.LUCY!

I now visit Dr. Atwood every week until Lucy decides to arrive. Yesterday I was 50% effaced and Lucy was head down and engaged! Although this doesn't mean she is coming right now, it is progress from the week before, which means I am getting very, very excited! Lucy's bag is packed and ready for the hospital, although mine isn't yet. Her's was much more fun to pack!

Here are pictures of Lucy growing bigger and bigger!!! :)


Canon and Laura said...

I know she is happy in there for now... but I am so ready to meet her!!!

Jenny and Jon said...

EXCITING.......I can remember this time in the pregnancy, I loved being pregnant but at the same time I was just SO ready to meet my baby!!! It is worth the wait:)

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

You look fantastic and not nearly as "low" as I expected. Good thing...stay put for a few more weeks, Miss Lucy! We can't wait to meet you!

Katie said...

BEAUTIFUL! I will be there soon!

Mimi and Papa said...

I am amazed at how that little baby fits into your tummy for now...all warm and comfy. Then, one day, she will be here and we will have to work hard to keep her warm and comfy. I cannot wait. xo

Sally said...

keep that baby in there for another 2 weeks!!!