Sunday, January 10, 2010

36 weeks...

Another week has flown by! We are now at 36 weeks. I am very eager for my doctor's appt. tomorrow @ 4:15. I wonder if I'll have made any more progress? Lucy continues to move, kick, and wiggle around all day long. She especially loves to move when I sit still or lay down:) Although, she no longer can maneuver her full body turns and must be too tight in there!

I will update everyone after my appointment tomorrow afternoon. I always look forward to hearing her little heartbeat!

Still growing...

We also got a glider and ottoman today for the nursery. I found exactly what we were hoping for on Craigslist and it is in great condition! It is white wood with light purple cushions. It's a great addition to the nursery! I'll post pictures of the nursery this week.


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Good updated belly've made it this far, now is the hard part of waiting. You still look so good! I counted the days and E arrived 18 days early. If L's due date is Feb 6, that puts us at Jan 20. At least 10 more days. Wow, that's going to fly, even if she's born in Feb. I'm on call Feb 6th, so she can't come on Feb 5th or 6th! Start preparing your kiddos for your departure and get your lesson plans up to date! (P.S. Scoots is a must for the coming spring!)

Jenny and Jon said...

Has your doctor given you an estimate on the baby's weight yet? If not ask tomorrow and see what she can tell you. I know what the books say but my doctor gave us an idea of where we were at based on the measurements at the end and he was dead on! Jack was 7 pounds, 3 ounces and 20.5 inches long...he did not get that specific in his guess but guessed a birth weight around 7 pounds, not too bad!