Saturday, January 23, 2010

Happy Birthday, Jon!

Today is Jon's 30th Birthday! We hope that you have a wonderful birthday and enjoy some fun tonight with friends on the beach. We wish we could be there with you to celebrate!


This AM we went to a hospital tour at Mt. Carmel East. It was very informative and I'm really glad we went. We now know where to check in and where to park. We saw the Labor and Delivery rooms on the 2nd floor. We also saw the Mother and Infant rooms, where we will be for most of our stay, on the 3rd floor. On the 3rd floor they showed us where to find ice, coffee, and snacks:), where visitors can wait for us, where to find extra linens, the nursery, etc.

I definitely got some chills and teary eyed during the tour realizing how soon we'll be right there......meeting Miss Lucy!


Mimi and Papa said...

Mimi is teary-eyed seeing that my first-born baby is 30 today!!!!!!
There is a time for everything...and Lucy will soon choose the time to be born. And we will rejoice. xo

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Glad you finally got your tour of the hospital...just in the 'nic of time! A little familiarity will provide comfort in the midst of labor and delivery. Days? Hours? I'm watching my phone these days!

Jenny and Jon said...

I am so excited for you.....I had my own "hospital tour" the other day with the CEO of our hospital due to my new job as hospital district counsel......I had to do everything I could to maintain composure when we toured the maternity wing, our hospital is small, only 4 delivery rooms and so of course I knew right where I had been when Jackson was born. Some of that equipment looks pretty scary but now that you know the lay of the land, that should help out and you will not even realize any of what goes on around you with the equipment, etc. in labor and delivery.