Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Doctor Appt today...

This afternoon I had another doctor appointment. The doc said my belly is measuring perfect, weight gain and blood pressure look great, and I have made some progress! I am now 70% effaced. She also confirmed again that Lucy's head is down and in position! Dr. Atwood told me that my body is now ready and once the contractions start it'll be a GO! She also said, "I'm on call this weekend!" (Hmmmm...does she know something? :)

We will be in touch...maybe sooner rather than later?!? 11 days until my official due date!


Mimi and Papa said...

Mimi and Papa think that Jan. 30 or Jan. 31 would be perfect. Just give us a call and we will head to Columbus to meet our baby Lucy. I have prepared so many mini-meals for you and Denny, which means you can enjoy the baby and warm up something from Mimi. Tonight I prepared spaghetti and I will freeze some homemade sauce. Ok Lucy...we are ready. xo

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Sounds like a successful appointment to me! I have a feeling that Lucy loves her warmth and cozy home. Let this cold front pass, then she'll be more prepared to join the world! :) Feb 6th is showing partly sunny and 36 degrees...hmmm, sounds good to me!

Unknown said...

Those last few days/weeks are so slow, aren't they? I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!

Jenny and Jon said...

oh man, hang in there Frances!! 70% is good, I never even remember them telling me this part although I am sure they did.. I think the more effaced the more likely the water is to break, right?? I really cannot remember without googling it first.....enjoy the weekend and REST UP, it will be soon.

burrow said...

Can't wait to meet baby Lucy and we know you both are going to be great parents.G&GO'B