Sunday, January 17, 2010

Nursery continues...

We hung some of the things in the nursery this evening. It is really starting to come together! We're waiting to hang things above the crib because I am not quite sure how I want it yet and I want to get Lucy's little footprint and handprint in one of the silver leaf frames.

Some of the updates and our new glider:
Daddy's ready...

Look, Lucy's bag is packed!

Soon and very soon our lives will change...

And I had to include this picture...we were taking a few pictures together and only after taking the pictures did I realize my belly was hanging out the whole time. HAHA! I've definitely hit the 37 week mark!


Mimi and Papa said...

You are the only pregnant mommy who still comes close to fitting into regular t-shirts. Enjoy the last few weeks. It is a good sign that your rings still fit - no swelling! Happy MLK Day. xo

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

I like how it's all coming together now. Just a fair warning...seeing your tired face in the mirror with every diaper change may be enough to put that mirror in another location. :) If you're anything like me, the makeup won't come out of the bag for a few months! You don't want to scare yourself...but Lucy will think you're perfectly beautiful every single day. The innocence of your children!

Frances said...

Haha...I did think of that when I hung the mirror there. But then I decided it was the perfect place because I know how much babies love to look in mirrors! Ellie loves to giggle in Mimi and Papa's mirror that is in the den :) Have a good week!

Jenny and Jon said...

you look like you've dropped, definitely lower than at Christmas time, baby Lucy is coming out soon:)

Unknown said...

Just like Denny to find a guy's use for the Boppy! You look great Frances! You guys are gonna make such cool parents. :)

Emily said...

Cute nursery! But, the Jan Pugh dish set is supposed to be out of the box silly! :)