Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Doctor Appt.

My appointment with Dr. Atwood went great yesterday. Lucy continues to grow, my belly is measuring around 35 centimeters. Her heartbeat is sounding better than ever :) And she even kicked and wiggled for the doctor. Her head is down and engaged and my body continues to make progress. The doctor said, "She could arrive in a week or 3 weeks!" HAHA! Nice estimate, right? We are blessed to receive good news about her health and I'm willing to wait until she is ready to meet the world.

But, let's be honest.........who is just DYING to meet this sweet, little baby?!?!?!?!? :)


gary said...

Ok,I give Dee and I are!!!!!

Emily said...

Auntie Emily is too!

megandevere said...

Emma can't wait to meet her new little friend!

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Ohhh ohhhh ohhhh, me me me! I'm dying to meet my first niece! :)

Mimi and Papa said...

Mimi and Papa and Uncle Jay...we are ready - car packed...and Garmin set for the hospital...so Lucy...just you let us know you are on your way. I think she will be bald, teeny, brown eyes, and very,very sweet. I want her soon. xo

Canon and Laura said...

We're ready... to continue the spoiling :)

Jenny and Jon said...

only Lucy knows when she will arrive.............can't wait for the news, text or call even if in the middle of the night, Jason and Jessica did that and we were WIDE awake talking like it was 7:30 in the morning after we got the text...LOL, IT WAS LIKE 4:00AM!! But who wants to sleep after news this good:) I am excited for you to get to go through labor and delivery, sounds crazy but it is wonderful as an experience and you will not remember the pain, seriously!