Sunday, January 24, 2010

38 weeks

Today we hit the 38 week mark. Only 14 days to go until Lucy's official due date! We had a very relaxing weekend, spending time with friends, running errands, and sleeping in! :) We are ready for Miss L whenever she is ready to come! Bags are packed, carseat is loaded in the car, and cameras are charged! I have another doctor appointment this I'll update you all soon!

Here is my 38 week belly...

We can't wait to meet you baby Lucy!


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

You look so adorable, all out front! You also don't look like you are going to pop...but I'm hoping she'll make a grand entrance soon! I am dying to hold her and I'm just an auntie! :)

Mimi and Papa said...

Cousin Susan is in the hospital in labor for her baby boy. Lucy, when will you arrive? You look so healthy and cute at 38 weeks. I'm keeping my phone with me wherever I go...and we will hop in the car once that news arrives. xo

Jenny and Jon said...

the suspense is KILLING ME! Come on Lady Lucy!!!