Tuesday, February 2, 2010

39 week belly!

Today when I got home from work, before my routine run upstairs to throw on my pj's, I decided to take some iPhoto pictures of Miss Lucy! I am still feeling great and continue to enjoy being pregnant. But I begin to wonder how many days I have left in this pregnancy?

Here are some "pop art" shots of my 39 week belly.


Look at that "basketball" or does it resemble a "watermelon?" HAHA!


Here is a shot in color so you can get the full effect of this belly.... wow!

Today at school my student's(and their parents) threw Lucy and I a little Baby Shower! Look for a post and pictures soon :)


Mimi and Papa said...

That is so much fun! Andy Warhol would be proud. love to you!

Jenny and Jon said...

those photos are really cool and you look READY FOR BABY!! I continue to check my phone every single time it vibrates with an email or text...the blessings and curse of having a blackberry aka crackberry in my case!!! I had to move it out of my room at night as it was disrupting my sleep so I check first thing in the mornings now!!

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

"How low can you go? How low can you go?" You're looking so great, but also soooo low! I think you're ready...now Miss Lucy might be another story. What she doesn't know yet is that your arms will be just as warm and cuddly as your tummy...she's got a wonderful Mommy just dying to hold, nurse, cuddle and smooch her! (I can't wait for the shower pictures!)