Sunday, August 29, 2010

First Week of School!

Lucy's first week of school and my first week back to school both went well. The week definitely had its UP'S and DOWN'S, but overall it was a good week. I think it was harder on me that it was on Lucy!

Monday I had to be to Granville really early for the district-wide Welcome Meeting! Normally we leave the house at 7:30 and Lucy is able to wake up on her own. But on Monday Denny had to wake her up and get her dressed before her normal wake time. As you can see, Lucy was very tired and slept in the car ride to school.

This was a hard day for me but I was able to sneak out of work by 3:00 and greet Lucy early at school!
She was happily playing with all the new toys and shrieked in excitement when she saw me!

Everyday when I arrive at Little Village to pick Lucy up at 4:00pm she is playing with a toy or taking a nap. I have yet to arrive to any tears. I have also not had to leave with her in tears yet(I am dreading that day). Debbie holds her and plays with her as I leave and Lucy doesn't notice me slip away. Her teachers, Debbie and Melissa, both report that she is adjusting well and the only trouble she is having is taking regular naps. She is not use to the noise and being put to sleep by others. Wednesday was a really ROUGH nap day but by Friday she took 3 naps, one for over 1.5 hours! She is eating well for them-loving her bottles, LOVING eating veggies at lunch, and "trying" fruit after her morning bottle. All in all, it is going well. I am still taking it one day at a time and my heart literally ACHES for Lucy throughout my work day :( I am ready for that feeling to go away....but I think it is here to stay!

In other news, Lucy is still loving food. Her very favorite so far are PEAS! She loves most veggies - green beans, squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, etc but does not like fruit as much. She also is not very fond of oatmeal. Here is Lucy enjoying carrots during dinner one evening last week!
She is one HAPPY baby!


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Carrot face! Mmmmm! How cute that she's in a highchair now. :) I'm in denial that we'll be bringing ours back upstairs soon. Lucy will soon love her "home away from home." :) (Some mornings I had to leave Ellie before 7am...I know how those early mornings pain a mother.) Xoxo

Jenny and Jon said...

Good job on your first week! It is harder right now on you than Lucy, but better to start her now than much later than this when she would have a hard time with you leaving! Jack still pulls that with me some mornings (mostly on Mondays) but we get through it. Now some weekend days he asks me if we are going to school, ha!! It becomes their home away from home.

Mimi and Papa said...

It helps to share your "pain" with other mothers who have experienced that same situation. (your sister and sister-in-law) Lucy will be fine and soon you will be in the routine and not in so much pain. love to all of you....xo

Heather said...

frances... i haven't visited your blog in a while (not because i don't love reading it) but i love the make-over and i'm so happy to see you and lucy are transitioning well to school!