Monday, August 2, 2010

Approaching the big 6 MONTHS!

I thought it would be fun to compare Lucy to her Mommy and Daddy when we were babies. We are so thankful that we have baby books to look all of this up in! (Thanks Mimi and Grandma Dee!)

Rolling Over:
Lucy - 5 months
Frances - 3 months
Denny - 4 months

Sitting Up:
Lucy - 5 1/2 months
Frances - 7 months
Denny - 6 months

Lucy - no yet!
Frances - 8 months
Denny - 7 months

First Tooth:
Lucy - no yet!
Frances - 7 1/2 months
Denny - 6 months (oh-oh...I wonder if Lucy's are coming in?)

Stood Alone:
Lucy - not yet!
Frances - 10 months
Denny - 10 months

Lucy - not yet!
Frances - 12 months
Denny - 12 months

First Word:
Lucy - none yet!
Frances - "Da, Da, Da"
Denny - "popcorn" (really?...I've never known this to be a first word- ha!)

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