Friday, August 13, 2010

How's That "To Do List "Coming?!?1

I'm checking on the "To Do List" I created a month ago. Next week is my last FULL week of summer :( Lucy and I are going to spend some time organizing my classroom, taking supplies to her "school", and enjoying each and every moment together! I also hope to conquer the things on my list not yet completed...

Items in BOLD need to be completed! And I'm feeling pretty good because most things I've already done!!!

1. Take Lucy to the pool at least one more time.
2. Attend Breastfeeding group to get advice on breastfeeding/pumping/returning to work!
3. Go through Lucy's dresser and closet to put away clothes she has out grown :( and get out 6 month outfits :)
4. Pump, pump, pump...I want to get my milk storage built up!
5. Garage sale for fall and winter outfits...Lucy's wardrobe just about ends after 6 month size.
6. Have Shannon take Lucy's 6 month photos!
7. Get my haircut. Eyebrows done....hmmm, maybe even a whole spa day! (What do you think Denny?) :)
8. Schedule an eye doctor appointment for me and Lucy.
9. Complete and turn in Lucy's paperwork to register her for Little Village Academy!.
10. Lucy's 6 month checkup with Dr. Kern on August 11th.
11. Go on a date with Denny! :) (maybe 2?!?)
12. Meet Baby Warren! (We hope you arrive soon!)
13. Spend time with Jon, Jenny, and Jackson during this visit to Toledo!
14. Enjoy a little family vacation time during Denny's days off the first week of August!
15. Continue to work on Lucy taking naps not in my arms. And transition to crib naps.
16. Buy Inchbug bottle labels
17. Organize, label, and count to make sure we have enough bottles for child care.
18. Enjoy each and every minute with my baby!
19. Other ideas?!?!


Jenny and Jon said...

get out the pump and make sure you have a wrap with it and all parts are clean to go, also get a small mini cooler like a lunch bag with ice pack insert. I had to do this to carry my milk to and from the daycare for Jackson. LABEL EVERYTHING, the daycare will likely have that as a rule and do go and let her be there a bit before you start, maybe when you get your hair cut if they will allow that, you will benefit from this more than she will, but trust me!! We still use the inchbug bottle/ now sippy cup labels I bought before we started daycare at 8 weeks! They are worth it! Check the bottles and nipples you have, I remember NOT knowing that I HAD to get new nipples for the bottles with a bigger hole as Jackson got bigger!! Good luck, you can do it:) You have had your baby home for half a year, lucky duck!!

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Wash your two mini muslin blankies for Lucy to snuggle at school. :)