Monday, September 6, 2010

7 Months Old!

Lucy turned 7 months old today! We celebrated with her all day as we enjoyed a day off from work due to Labor Day! It was a very eventful day for Lucy as she reached many milestones all in ONE DAY!

For the record, Lucy now:
-has her FIRST TOOTH peeking through on the bottom
-can crawl forward
-can pull herself to stand up all on her own!

Surprisingly, these milestones all occurred today! We couldn't be happier for our growing, changing little girl. She is the happiest baby and loves her new freedoms.

Taking her crib pictures is now quite an adventure as we have a very active participant :)
"What? You didn't want me to crawl forward and stick my tongue out?"

"How about my serious face?"

"Or just my tongue?"

"How about I hold the sign for you?!"

"Are you still trying to take pictures of me?"

Mommy and Daddy love you so much and you are the joy of our lives. Each day brings new fun and we are loving every stage as they come! It is hard to believe you are already a 7 month old, active, happy, alert baby. Seeing your cousin Gracie this weekend reminded me of your newborn days. I miss my small, teeny Lucy but luckily you still love to cuddle and be held just like a newborn, especially when you are nursing. We are so happy that you are learning to crawl and enjoying your surroundings so much. Now we think it is time to SLOW DOWN so we can enjoy this stage for awhile. Although, we have a feeling you have many more changes in store for us. We love you LJE!


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Such a trendy little 7 month old...with blue eyes to match her blue babylegs. :)

Jenny and Jon said...

All those tricks she's learning at school..........

Mimi and Papa said...

She is hilarious! I cannot wait to see that teeny little tooth. There is nothing cuter than a baby crawling for the first time and figuring out that this works great to get mommy to chase me. xo