Thursday, August 12, 2010

Date Night!

This past weekend while we were in Perrysburg, Denny and I had a DATE NIGHT! This was just our second date since having Lucy in February. It was really nice to reconnect and spend sometime just focused on each other. First, we went to Levis Commons Cinemas to see "Inception." Surprisingly, I actually enjoyed the movie and not so surprising, Denny loved it! Then, we we to Rosie's Italian Grill for dinner. The food was amazing, the glass of wine was such a treat, and the company was even better :) We sat at a small table on their outdoor patio, by a waterfall, and enjoyed a leisurely paced meal together. You won't be surprised to know that the conversation centered around Lucy the entire evening! :) By the end of the meal, I was missing her and ready to go home even though I knew she was in good hands.

Mimi and Papa kindly offered to watch Lucy while we went out. They were joined by Julia, Craig, Ellie, Anneliese, and Jay and Callie! Lucy is lucky to have such a loving family. They took some pictures with Lucy during the evening. She drank 1 bottle, went on a walk, and ate a whole jar of prunes! She loves her cousins :)

Lucy loves her Mimi!

Aunt Julia is a pro with bottles!

Uncle Craig with Lucy...or who I like to call the "baby whisperer!" He is so good with babies!

Also, while we were in Perrysburg Lucy and I did some garage saleing! Julia and Annelise decided to join us! As Julia stepped out of the car I laughed because we were wearing the EXACT same outfit! We both got the skirt on sale at Target and didn't know we each had it!

Then Denny arrives with Lucy to join us for lunch with Gigi and ANNELIESE AND LUCY ARE WEARING THE SAME OUTFIT! Too funny :)
(Look at the thighs on those girls! Love it!)

*Thanks to Grandma O'B for the cute matching yellow rompers for the girls!

1 comment:

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

What a fun weekend we had! I still can't get over our entirely matched outfit and wonder everybody thought we were twins all along, we're on the same wavelength! Lucy was such a doll...and I can't wait until next summer when we're chasing toddling little girls in matching tutus! We are so hiring JMott and doing a tutu shoot. :)