Monday, August 2, 2010

Baby Warren!

It is August 2nd and I think today will bring the arrival of Baby Warren! Say a prayer for Stacy and Kevin today. I got a text this AM that the induction will start soon this morning.

Stacy and Kevin - We love you and are so excited to meet your beautiful baby!


At 1:00pm Stacy was 9 cm! Looks like we are going to have a baby today :)


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Done! Stacy and Kevin, we're praying for you on this exciting day...your baby's birth day! :) Blessings on your baby girl who will meet the world!

Jenny and Jon said...

I cannot wait to hear the news (and see a picture eventually)!! We are thinking of them now......I was induced at 7 something in the morning and by 1:39pm, little J. made his entrance, I am hoping for a calm, peaceful and safe delivery for Stacy and Baby W. Keep us posted!!

Mimi and Papa said...

Congratulations to the Warren family and new baby Gracie. How wonderful! Now the fun begins.