On our way to pick up Lucy, we stopped at the new baby store, Tickleberry Moon, in Granville to get a gift for Denny's new boss that is about to have her second baby. After picking out a cute onesie and rattle as a gift, Denny called me over to a basket of adorable handknit animals. They were TO DIE FOR! We looked through each and everyone and laughed at all the cute details. The owner walked over and named each one to us. (She knew each animals' name by heart - HA!) When she held up the cute ballerina elephant named "JOSEPHINE"...I knew we were sold! Gosh, we are suckers!
"Look Mom and Dad, she's just my size!"
"And she tastes reallllly good!"
"Yummm....her ear is even better!"
"I love my new friend, Josie the elephant!"
Josephine is so cute! Is that hair I see on Lucy's head? YAY!
This fall will be difficult for all three of you as you work, drop Lucy at daycare, pick her up, and do it all over again. Once you are in the groove it will be easier and then comes a snow day or two, fog delay and YIPPEE you have a little break. Now you know why Mimi loves snow days so much. We all wore our pjs until noon when we put on snow suits and played outside.
Super cute...Josephine "fills out" the top of her leotard, cmu! I think Emily is right, Lucy's getting hair!
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